G.L.O.M. TAY Mentoring Program: Empowering the Next Generation
The G.L.O.M. TAY (Transitional Age Youth) Mentoring Program is designed to equip young individuals with the essential tools they need to navigate the world with confidence and success. Our program focuses on educating youth about their rights, fostering a strong sense of self-awareness, and teaching important life skills such as proper etiquette. In addition, participants are mentored in key areas of financial literacy, empowering them to make informed decisions about their finances, as well as health education, ensuring they understand the importance of mental and physical well-being. Through G.L.O.M.’s TAY Mentoring Program, we are dedicated to guiding youth toward becoming well-rounded, responsible, and successful adults.
- Traditions
Know Your Rights
- Police Interaction
- Know Your Rights As A Felon
- High School / Middle College
- Trade School
- Colleges (Community/University)
- Table
- Social Media
- Interviewing
Financial Literacy
- Importance of Credit
- Building Your Credit
- Ways to pay to build credit / Debit to Income Ratio
- Budgeting
- Bank Accounts (Checking/Saving 101)
- Investing
- Taxes
Health Education
- Sex Education
- New Mom’s (Pre/Post Pregnancy)
- Preventive Care (Annual Exams)
- Exercise Options
- Protection Against STD’s
- Health Conscience (Obesity, High `Blood Pressure, Understanding Mental Health, etc.)