Relationship Development
Enhancing Self Development
Future Development
What Does TAY Offer?
G.L.O.M. TAY follows an intensive case management model through the work of a multi-disciplinary team. The team provides comprehensive assessment, therapy, individualized treatment planning, case management, integrated co-occurring drug and alcohol services, psychiatry, medication, referrals to housing and support to maintain housing, integrated vocational services, crisis support and access to care on a 24/7 basis. The goal is to decrease psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, and incarcerations while providing a bridge to individual self-sufficiency and independence.
Youth Population
Foster Youth
Youth Population
Youth Population
Youth Population
Youth Population
Youth Population
Youth Population
Ages 18 to 19: about 80,000 to 170,000 over a year; about 22,000 to 44,000 (or five percent of the homeless population) on a single day.
Ages 20 to 24: about 124,000 to 236,000 over a year; about 31,000 to 59,000 (or seven percent of the homeless population) on a single day.
A key element of this program is doing “whatever it takes” to help participants on their path to recovery and wellness. Through multiple areas of outreach, engagement, linkage, and client-centered rehabilitation interventions, young adults are prepared to face the challenges of adult life while reducing the stigma of having a mental health diagnosis. The intent is to provide resources, strategies, job readiness and consistency to assist the participants in being able to successfully transform from youth to empowered adults.